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Please complete the customer information below then place order.

Frequently asked questions

Are my transactions secure?

Your data will be handled confidentially and encrypted with SSL (Secure-Socket-Layer) secure server software. The encrypted information of your order, your name, address, credit card or bank details cannot be read by any third party.

Can I upgrade my plan whenever I wish?

No. Your health plan is fixed for a period of 12 months and can only be upgraded at renewal, subject to review by the HMO

What do I do if my payment is unsuccessful but I was debited?

Your bank should reverse the transaction within 24 hours. If the funds are yet to be reversed into your account or card you may email [email protected] or call 0700-277-9800.

Can I call the Call Centre anytime?

Yes, the Call Centre is accessible 24 hours, 7 days a week who are happy to respond to any queries you may have. You can also email us at [email protected]

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